Monday - Friday by appointment only
Acupuncture is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine and is one of the oldest healing practices in the world. It works by stimulating acupuncture points on the body that are connected by pathways called 'meridians', which allow the Qi or energy of the body to flow internally to the organs and circulate throughout the body. Stimulating the Qi helps restore balance and harmony of the mind and body.
Acupuncture is most commonly known to treat pain throughout the body, but it can also be used to help regulate the nervous, endocrine, immune, digestive and systems. It has many benefits that can range from stress and mental health concerns, insomnia and sleep disruptions, hormonal imbalances, women's health and fertility, digestive concerns, headaches and migraines, and many more.
Massage Therapy
*Please be advised I am no longer accepting new massage clients*
Massage is a therapeutic tool used to manipulate the soft tissue of the body in order to release pain and tension, restore range of motion, function, and strength, as well as encourage proper circulation to the muscles and body.
Cupping is a wonderful modality which creates a vacuum suction on the surface of the body that lifts and releases the superficial layers of tissue to create an increased blood flow, which is needed to promote healing to the area and to aid in soothing sore muscles.
Different types may be incorporated into your treatment such as fire cupping, pump cupping, or silicone cupping.
Cupping can be used in both massage and acupuncture and has a vast range of benefits!
Payment options include credit, debit and Interac e-transfer.
Service Fees
Prices as of January, 2024:
Prices are subject to change without notice.
Please be advised of the following massage therapy price increases effective December 1, 2024:
75 Minute Massage Follow Up - $120.00
60 Minute Massage Follow Up - $95.00
45 Minute Massage Follow Up - $80.00
30 Minute Massage Follow Up - $65.00
Initial Consultation ~ $125.00
60 Minute Follow Up ~ $95.00
75 Minute Follow Up ~ $120.00
30 Minute Fire Cupping ~ $60.00
45 Minute Fire Cupping ~ $75.00
Massage Therapy
30 Minute Massage ~ $60.00
45 Minute Massage ~ $75.00
60 Minute Massage ~ $90.00
75 Minute Massage ~ $105.00
90 Minute Massage ~ $125.00
Acupuncture & Massage Combination Treatments
60 Minute Combo ~ $120.00
75 Minute Combo ~ $135.00
90 Minute Combo ~ $150.00
** Cancellation and No Show Policy **
Please understand that if a spot is reserved for you, other people cannot book during that time. A late cancellation or no show leaves a gap that could have been filled by another patient. As such, I require 24 hours notice for any cancellations or changes to your appointment. Patients who provide less than 24 hours notice, or miss their appointment, will be charged a cancellation fee or may be charged for the full fee of their missed appointment. Arriving 20 minutes late to your appointment will result in a cancellation and you will be required to